Tuesday Tip

tuesday tip: how to get the most juice out of your lemons!

A few vaild reasons that lemon juice is a good juice to have around the house…and why you should definitely throw a lemon in your cart everytime you order or go grocery shopping. Or if your daily life causes you to travel by a fruit stand. pick one up there!


  1. GOOD SOURCE OF VIT C- recommended vit daily intake = 60 mg; one lemon = 30 mg
  2. IMPROVES SKIN- vit C supports collagen (support system of the skin)
    1. Consuming vit C in its NATURAL form can help reduce skin damage due to sun, age and pollution. Find more info here.
  3. BOOSTING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM- although vit c hasn’t been proven to prevent colds/flus…it has been proven to prevent the duration of a cold/flu.

SIDE NOTE: bottled lemon juice IS NOT the same….it will work but has less potent vit c


  1. POLISH POTS AND PANS – cut a lemon in half and rub the cut side over the inside and outside of the pan. Do not rinse. Buff with a soft cloth.
  2. DEODORIZE YOUR MICROWAVE- need to get that burnt popcorn smell or stained marinara that spattered all over your microwave? for more kitchen tips see thekitchn
    1. Cut lemon in half and place both halves in glass bowl filled with approx 1/2 cup water
    2. Bring to boil in microwave for 3ish min.
    3. Leave bowl in microwave and let stand for 5 min.
    4. Wipe microwave with damp cloth.
    5. Tada!
  3. GET RID OF THOSE ARMPIT STAINS- the acidic property of lemon juice acts as a natural bleach! So use it to your benefit and save your lungs from the chemicals of bleach
    1. mix equal parts water + baking soda + lemon juice
    2. Dab on stain and mix lightly scrub with toothbrush.
    3. Let sit for 30 min then wash as usual.
    4. see more tips here
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