Recipe smoothie

The HEALTHIFIED Orange Julius -no added sugar!

two glass cups holding orange smoothies

This naturally sweetened Almondmilk Orange Julius is so refreshing with no added sugar and all the Orange Julius chill:)

I am on a “what can I make that is healthier than ice cream” kick/fully enjoy these wonderful AZ oranges.

We love Arizona citrus (what the sophisticated Arizonians call the orange). AZ. oranges are like gold to each and every one of us! During that all too short time of year when they are in season…we down those babies. Eating them is the highlight of our after meal treats…like gold. And luckily, our AZ oranges are in good stock here in NY thanks to dear family who sent them:) 

Although I have never pegged myself as being able to survive Arizona residency for the single fact of melting and constant napping thanks to the heat, I could be convinced if someone planted very fruitful citrus trees right next to my bed. 


Top way…no doubt = the ORANGE JULIUS

My dear husband also ADORES the classic Orange Julius. You know, the Orange Julius located in all food court malls around the country. That one.

His grandma made a mean Orange Julius when he was growing up and she didn’t cut any corners. And it was sooo good. We visited right before she passed and were so graciously treated us to her delicacy. What a special treat for us! Also, we learned her secret was ICE CREAM haha! and man it was soooo good.

Well, my figure/his bowels can’t handle the ‘real deal’ ALL the time, so I came up with another option to fulfill his Orange Julius love and my ever-so-happy-to-make-it-healthy love. 

There is nothing quite like them.

**try your oranges, if they are not sweet, add honey for your desired sweetness!

oh to the orange julius that is real and delicious.

There are 2 different ways to go about this smoothie

OPTION #1: Fresh oranges

-If you need your orange smoothie RIGHT as soon as you get your Navel oranges–thats fine. Just peel it and go!

This version you dont need any extra liquid. The oranges are plenty juicy once you start to blend, thats all the liquid you need!

Although if you want it a tad bit creamier, you can sub Almond milk frozen ice cubes in the place of regular ice cubes. I highly suggest using some kind of ice. If you don’t it will be more like a juice and not a smoothie.

**Another option is to add a handful of spinach! It doesn’t change the taste and then you just got your spinach for the day. Boo ya.

OPTION #2: Fresh Frozen Oranges

HOWEVER…if you can wait and are a fan of THICKER smoothies, I would strongly recommend peeling your navels and then freezing them in a freezer ziploc bag or glass container with a tight sealing lid.

—With the frozen version, because the water content is pretty high, the oranges become very hard…like ice. Perfect for a thicker smoothie.

WHEN YOU’RE READY: Bring them out of the freezer and let them sit on the counter for maybe 10 min.

THEN: add a banana, making sure the banana is close to the blade-or can get there easily. As soon as the banana hits, it blends a lot easier. You, of course, can leave out the banana if you wish, but it makes it creamier with the addition of the banana.

NEXT: add unsweetened almond milk….about 1/2 cup. Enough to make it the consistency you like. Also, add the vanilla at this point.


You’re done! Now choose your friends wisely with whom you share because there is just never enough of this Drink of the God’s.

For more tasty smoothies…




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orange julius

THE Orange Julius -no added sugar!

  • Author: Sammi


Everything about the orange julius you love, with none of the junk. The HEALTHY Orange Julius made with oranges + banana + unsweetened almond milk + vanilla + honey [optional]. 


  • 2 cups oranges, [preferably frozen, but fresh also works]
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/23/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • squirt of honey [optional]


  1. Blend in your favorite blendtec until smooth!


* Can use fresh or frozen bananas as well as fresh or frozen oranges. Using frozen simply guarantees you the more icy/creamy texture

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